Wednesday 30 November 2011

Analysis of 3 Music Videos

50 Cent;; 'Candy Shop'

In this music video 50 Cent is seen as dominant, coming out of a flash sporty car. Flash cars are usually seen in hip hop/rap music videos to represent their wealthiness and status. The first shot shows the camera moving upwards from his feet to his face, to show his dominance and importance in the video, this portrays him as big and powerful. The women in the video are wearing seductive, sexually appealing clothing such as lingerie, shorts, vests revealing their stomachs and nurse outfits representing their sexuality and expressing their voyeuristic aspects. The use of the nurse outfit could be seen as fetishistic as nurses can be seen as a caring mother-like figure. Also, the use of this costume could be seen as a sexist aspect, the fact that women are more likely/often nurses, who look after their patients (the woman is looking after 50 Cent). The use of heavy makeup and perfectly styled hair connotes sex appeal. The woman dancing seductively and rolling around on beds around the male music artist shows his dominance over the women. The camera aims to put viewers in a masculine perspective so they see the women as an object to desire rather than women as individuals. 

Christina Aguilera;; 'Candy Man'

Christina Aguilera's music video Candy Man shows her as voyeuristic and explores her sex appeal/sexuality throughout. Christina Aguilera wears bright red lipstick and has bleached blonde hair at one point in the video. This can be linked to the well-known Marilyn Monroe who is extremely known as a sex icon and voyeuristic because of her iconic bleacher hair and red lips and curvaceous body which strongly portrays feminism. Christina Aguilera also wears a short pink dress showing her curvaceous slim body representing her femininity. She also dresses as a pin-up girl often in the music video; pin-up girls were seen as sexually iconic and voyeuristic, in the male's gaze. Christina aims to show this in this music video using tightly fitted clothes to show her body and femininity. The colour pink often connoted femininity and is often referred to as a 'girl's' colour. In the video men are seen getting excited over Christina as she dances. This encourages the audience/viewers of the video to put them self in the perspective of a male viewer conforming with Laura Mulvey's theory of the male gaze. As well as this, her makeup connotes 'beauty'; a fair face with bright red lips. 

Christina Aguilera, Pink, Mya & Lil' Kim;; 'Lady Marmalade'

Another music video which conforms with the theory of the male gaze is 'Lady Marmalade'. This video shows the female music artists in sexually attractive clothing;; corsets and lingerie. The clothing worn is reflected by the background colours used. Red lips are also used to show sex appeal as the colour 'red' connotes danger and romance. They dance sexually, enticing the viewers of the video to see them as sex icons. 

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