Thursday 19 January 2012

Equipment/Location Booking

Below is an image of a permission letter which was given to me by my teacher, in which concerns whether or not I will be needing to borrow camera equipment or not. It was important that I handed this form in as if I didn't I would have not been able to book out the equipment I needed to film my music video.

I had to make sure I booked the studio before hand to ensure I would be able to use it when I wanted to, as many people from my media class also wanted to use it. I booked the studio by going to the technician and asking if it was available at a certain time, and if it was he would enter the information (such as my name, the location and what time I wanted to use it) into a database. On the day of using it, I would need to go to him to collect the key in which I would need to open and lock the location when entering and leaving.

Friday 13 January 2012

Lyric Planning Sheet

Introduction of main protagonist and added text introducing artist and song title. This will be a close up of my character as she slowly turns around to the character line 1 to 4;; 
1 So gone over you, you, you, you

2 Yeah

3 New Monica
4 Woo
This will be my bedroom scene where my main protagonist lip-sings on the bed as the male character lies sleeping. This will be a mid shot angle;;
5 Silly of me

6 Devoted so much time
7 To find you unfaithful, boy
8 I nearly lost my mind    -[This will be a close up shot].
9 Drive pass your house every night
10 In an unmarked car
11 Wondering what she had on me
12 To make you break my heart, yeah
-[This will be an extreme close up shot of the main protagonist's lips.

Studio Scene - I will use various angles;; close up, mid-shot, low angle etc.
13 {You make me feel}
14 You make me feel I'm so gone (So unreal), oh...
15 You make me {You make me feel}
16 Whoa and I love you to love you, baby, I {So unreal},

 Bedroom Scene
17 Nights I couldn't sleep, uh  - [A wine glass with a lipstick mark will be shown line 17 and 18]18 You let the sun beat you home  
19 I asked myself over again - [Main protagonist singing line 19 and 21]20 What am I doing wrong  - [Low-angle shot of main protagonist]
21 To make you stay out all night
22 And not think to call  
- [Female name is seen on phone as main protagonist picks it up line 22 to 24]

23 What does she have over me
24 To make him not think to call home 
- [Close-up of main protagonist]

Studio Scene
25 {You make me feel}
26 You make me feel I'm so gone {So unreal}, oh...
27 You make me {You make me feel}
28 Whoa and I love you to love you, baby, I {So unreal},

 Abstarct lips lip-singing lines 29 and 30
29 Listen, boy, I'm a rowdy chick
30 Some times I have to fight ˜cause my mouth too slick
31 Baby, why you doing me like I ain't worth this s***  
- [Lines 31to 34 - Filmed in South Norwood Country Park;; male is seen with arm over female which is reported to main protagonist by friend. Close up of main protagonist's reaction is then seen. 

32 Make me wanna ride passed your house and sit
33 Kick down your doors and smack your chick
34 Just to show you Monica not having it
35 So in love with you like a drug habit get
- [Abstract lips lines 35 and 36]36 {So gone} You treat me so unreal

 Studio Scene (lines 37 to 44)
37 What she do, I do better (Ooh...oh...)
38 What she do to make you love her (What did she do)
39 Is it real or forever
40 Baby, please can't we stay together (Is it real or
41 What she do, I do better (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
42 What she do to make you love her (Yeah, ooh...)
43 Is it real or forever (Is it real)
44 Baby, please can't we stay together (Oh)

Arguing Scene - Couple argue in the background as song comes to ending. Camera films closed door and slowly zooms into it causing a sense of anxiety and tension.
45 Whoa and I love you to love you, baby (Whoa and I love
you to love you, baby)
46 Whoa and I love you to love you, baby, ooh... -[Bedroom Scene - close up]
47 Whoa and I love you to love you, baby (Whoa and I love
you to love you, baby)
48 Whoa and I love you to love you, baby
(Just to show
you Monica not having it)
-[Abstract lips]

Ending Scene - Spilt wine, things through everywhere and camera scopes room. 49 {You make me feel}
50 You make me feel I'm so gone {So unreal}, oh...
51 You make me {You make me feel}
52 Whoa and I love you to love you, baby, I {So unreal},

Main protagonists leaves house
53 Said that I need you
54 I don't really need you
55 Said that I need you, ooh

Wednesday 11 January 2012

Risk Assessments

I completed 3 risk assessments for the 3 locations I am going to be shooting in. These included my bedroom, South Norwood Country Park and the school studio. My risk assessments consisted of information on the hazards that were possible, how serious they would be, who they would affect and how these could be prevented.

Risk Assessment 1

Risk Assessment 2

Risk Assessment 3

Filming Locations

Below is an image of the studio

Tuesday 10 January 2012

A Shoot Schedule

I plan to shoot mainly on:

  • Thursday 12th January @ 4pm;; 
I will shoot in the studio - I will film my main protagonist lip-singing with a black backdrop, using the studio lights for lighting.
  • Tuesday 17th January @ 4pm;; 
I will shoot in the studio - I will film my main protagonist being introduced (with intentions of adding text to the backdrop of my song name and artist). I will shoot outside of school - I will shoot my bedroom scene.
  • Thursday 19th January @ 4pm;; 
I will shoot in the studio - I will film my main protagonist being introduced (with intentions of adding text to the backdrop of my song name and artist). I will shoot outside of school - I will shoot my bedroom scene.
  • Friday 20th January @ 11pm;; 
I will shoot in the studio - I will film my main protagonist lip-singing with a black backdrop.
  • Sunday 22nd January @ 1pm;; 
will shoot outside of school - I will shoot my bedroom scene as well as at South Norwood Country Park.