Thursday 19 January 2012

Equipment/Location Booking

Below is an image of a permission letter which was given to me by my teacher, in which concerns whether or not I will be needing to borrow camera equipment or not. It was important that I handed this form in as if I didn't I would have not been able to book out the equipment I needed to film my music video.

I had to make sure I booked the studio before hand to ensure I would be able to use it when I wanted to, as many people from my media class also wanted to use it. I booked the studio by going to the technician and asking if it was available at a certain time, and if it was he would enter the information (such as my name, the location and what time I wanted to use it) into a database. On the day of using it, I would need to go to him to collect the key in which I would need to open and lock the location when entering and leaving.

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