Wednesday 1 February 2012

My Digipak

Planning my Digipak

Front Cover

The front cover will be a close up image of my main protagonist; I plan for this image to express her emotion which is a theme within my digipak and music video. On this part of the digipak, my main protagonist's name as well as the album's name will be shown.

Middle of Digipak

The middle of the digipak (right) will show an image of my main protagonist lying on a bed, similar to a scene in my music video. 

Inside Digipak

The first side (left) will show an image of the main artist again sitting on a bed, as well as a bibliography about the individual explaining some background information on her. The middle section will show another image of her in the background and this is where the CD will be placed. The last side (right) shows another image of the main protagonist as well as a bonus CD will be placed here. I plan to use images which show sex appeal, posture, attitude, vulnerability, emotion and attraction. I plan to use these aspects in my pictures because this will help express the moods within my digipak and music video. 

Back Panel

On this part of the digipak, the song list will be shown. I will also add an image of an extreme-close-up of lips which is used in the music video also. Also, on this section the barcode, price etc will be shown as this is important when purchasing a CD.

Producing my Digipak

I produced my digipak on Adobe Photoshop CS5 using a ready-made template. To produce my own digipak I had to import my own images to make it personal as well as relating to my music video. 
To begin with, I added an image which would be the front panel. I went to File > Open and chose the image I wanted to use. 

I selected the photo and copied it so I could then paste it on to the template. 

I adjusted the image so it would fit in the aligned panel, after this I pressed 'command T' in order for the image to stay in the panel. I then repeated these stages in order to add the rest of my images.

I then went on to add text to my first panel (the front of my digipak)..

I then went on to add the album name..

To produce my digipak I used images of the main protagonist (me) as well as a picture of champagne and a champagne glass. I used pictures such as these, which are edited with different effects in Photoshop and are mostly facial shots. 

Below is a final image of my digipak.

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