Tuesday 13 March 2012

Planning my Evaluation

Planning for Feedback

When planning my evaluation I had to think about the audience of my music video and their feedback. Therefore, I would have to get a group of people to watch my music video and give me feedback on what they think. I decided to choose a group of people who were of various ages, both males an females and friends/family as well as random people also. I chose these aspects because it would make the feedback I received more reliable and honest, this is because I would have various relationships with the people. People that didn't know me would most likely be more honest however family/friends may feel as if they need to tell me something which makes me happy. I chose people of different ages to see what different aged people think of my music video. I planned to do this group viewing in an available and quiet room. I would film them watching my music video and then individually film their opinions asking them questions such as:
  • What do you think overall?
  • What aspects do you think were successful?
  • What could I have improved?
  • Why do you think this?
  • What do you think about the different themes of my music video? 
These questions would allow me to see what was successful and what wasn't as successful in my video. 
I would then go on to create survey monkeys in order to receive anonymous feedback which is also honest and reliable. I would also add a voxpop (filming the group of individuals watching my video and ask individuals what they think so far and then go on to ask them individually). I chose to do this because it would give me detailed individual feedback, allowing me to know each individual's opinion.  

Below is an image of my plan..


When planning my music video I had many ideas in mind which I wished to carry out when filming. Later, I realised that I would have to make a lot of changes and alterations. 
  • My planned main protagonist was not as available as I thought she was.
  • I did not have as much time to film in the various locations as I thought.
  • The lighting varied and I had to change certain locations.

My Main Protagonist..
When I planned on filming, I found that my main protagonist wasn't always available and this affected my deadlines, as well as the amount I had filmed. I then decided that I would be the main protagonist as I was/had to be available to film and was able to empathise with the lyrics and meanings of the song. 

When I began filming in my room I found that it wasn't bright enough and there wasn't enough space to film, so instead I decided to film in another room in my house. This room was more spacious and much brighter. At times when filming in the room I had now decided to film in, I found that the room was surprisingly dark so I had to make a few alterations such as opening curtains and blinds and moving furniture to ensure the filming went well. 

Deadlines & time..
I found that time went very quickly and I was unable to film when and as much as I wanted. I had to make some changes and alterations in order to make sure my filming was successful and fluent. These changes were my main protagonist and locations (above). 

Friday 9 March 2012

My Magazine Advert

I created my magazine advert using Adobe Photoshop. I imported the image I wanted to use as my main layer. I then went on to add text, including:

  • Artist's name
  • Album name
  • Release date
  • Website
  • A review from 2 magazines.

To ensure it looked like a 'music' advert I added two quotes from two music based magazines. I then added an image which I also used as the front cover of my digipak to express that it is linked to my music video.