Tuesday 13 March 2012

Planning my Evaluation

Planning for Feedback

When planning my evaluation I had to think about the audience of my music video and their feedback. Therefore, I would have to get a group of people to watch my music video and give me feedback on what they think. I decided to choose a group of people who were of various ages, both males an females and friends/family as well as random people also. I chose these aspects because it would make the feedback I received more reliable and honest, this is because I would have various relationships with the people. People that didn't know me would most likely be more honest however family/friends may feel as if they need to tell me something which makes me happy. I chose people of different ages to see what different aged people think of my music video. I planned to do this group viewing in an available and quiet room. I would film them watching my music video and then individually film their opinions asking them questions such as:
  • What do you think overall?
  • What aspects do you think were successful?
  • What could I have improved?
  • Why do you think this?
  • What do you think about the different themes of my music video? 
These questions would allow me to see what was successful and what wasn't as successful in my video. 
I would then go on to create survey monkeys in order to receive anonymous feedback which is also honest and reliable. I would also add a voxpop (filming the group of individuals watching my video and ask individuals what they think so far and then go on to ask them individually). I chose to do this because it would give me detailed individual feedback, allowing me to know each individual's opinion.  

Below is an image of my plan..

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