Tuesday 13 March 2012


When planning my music video I had many ideas in mind which I wished to carry out when filming. Later, I realised that I would have to make a lot of changes and alterations. 
  • My planned main protagonist was not as available as I thought she was.
  • I did not have as much time to film in the various locations as I thought.
  • The lighting varied and I had to change certain locations.

My Main Protagonist..
When I planned on filming, I found that my main protagonist wasn't always available and this affected my deadlines, as well as the amount I had filmed. I then decided that I would be the main protagonist as I was/had to be available to film and was able to empathise with the lyrics and meanings of the song. 

When I began filming in my room I found that it wasn't bright enough and there wasn't enough space to film, so instead I decided to film in another room in my house. This room was more spacious and much brighter. At times when filming in the room I had now decided to film in, I found that the room was surprisingly dark so I had to make a few alterations such as opening curtains and blinds and moving furniture to ensure the filming went well. 

Deadlines & time..
I found that time went very quickly and I was unable to film when and as much as I wanted. I had to make some changes and alterations in order to make sure my filming was successful and fluent. These changes were my main protagonist and locations (above). 

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