Wednesday 4 April 2012

Feedback from my Music video

After producing my music video I needed to get feedback on it as this would help me when completing my evaluation. Therefore, I planned on ways in which I would get this feedback. I listened to other members in my class and saw how they would be getting their feedback and instead I wished to do it in other ways. The ideas I thought of were:

  • Recording people watching my video and then going on to get individual feedback.
  • Getting people to watch it, asking them their opinions and writing notes.
  • Showing a group of people the real Monica - So Gone video and then going on to show them mine and asking them feedback.
I decided not to record people's individual feedback as many people were doing this and I did not want to show them the real video and then mine and this may have had an impact of what they thought of mine as mine was not as professional as the real one. In conclusion to this, I decided to produce my own surveys and handing them out to people after they had watched my music video and told them their feedback would be anonymous. I decided to do this because it would be more likely that they would be honest and the feedback would therefore be more reliable and valid.


Person 1
"I think the music video Rianna created met conventions of real media products. I think the use of different costumes used within the music video was a good idea as most music videos do this also. I also liked the use of effects she used in it as it gave it more of a professional look."

Person 2
"The thought of using a studio as a location was a brilliant idea. Studios show a sense of professionalism and is used in various real media products. I also like the idea of showing action behind the main protagonist whilst singing. This showed a sense of creativeness and creative-thinking."

Person 3
"The music video was good but I think Rianna could have broadened her ideas when planning/filming the video"

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