Wednesday 14 December 2011

My Pitch

My pitch was shown to the peers in my media class in order to get feedback from them as well as giving them information on my media video. This feedback would help me edit my video and know what I could add or what needs improving. Their feedback included comments such as:

  • Ensure your ideas are realistic and can be carried out/filmed.
  • Ensure you use various camera angles.
  • Ensure you have thought out your music video ideas thoroughly before beginning to film.
  • I like the idea of having a main protagonist instead of a group.
  • I like the idea of referring back to your main protagonist on the bed lip singing to explore her emotion.
  • I dislike the idea of having a main protagonist instead of a band.


My moodboard shows images which reflect themes in my music video. For example;

  • Love
  • Lust
  • Infidelity
  • Friendship
  • Betrayal
  • Sadness
  • Secrets
  • Conflict
  • Moving on
I used these images in my moodboard to explore the meaning and themes within my music video - most of the images are dark and daunting, creating an anxious/mysterious feeling. I wanted to use these images to express the seriousness within my video.

Tuesday 13 December 2011

A Shot List

Close ups
I plan to use a close up at the beginning of my music video where my main character is introduced. Here I will aim to introduce her emotions (shown in her facial expression) and begin to tell the story of my music video. I used an image of a woman's face in my storyboard - which is the kind of emotion I want my female character to have. Throughout the video, I plan to have various shots showing her emotion through her facial expressions such as; sadness, anxiety, anger and tiredness. I also plan on using a close up shot when showing the spilt wine and knife on the floor. This is to grab my audience's attention and encourage them to wonder what has happened and provide them with a sense of anxiousness/anxiety. 

I will use a close up shot of a bottle of wine and glass being consumed by the main character when her friend's see her boyfriend with another woman. On the left is an example of a close up of a glass of wine which I aim to be similar to my shots. I have used this shot because it expresses the stress and sadness the character is going through, the fact she is drinking wine and the use of a close up shows the wine substance places an important role as it is shown at the end of the music video spilt. 

Medim Shots
I plan to use a mid-shot when my main protagonist is singing throughout the music video;; during the bedroom scene and when I am filming at the studio with the backdrop. I have chosen to use this shot because it reveals the main protagonist from her shoulders upwards. This will allow the audience to focus on her and not being distracted by her surroundings but instead focusing on her, what she is saying and her emotions, not only shown in her face but in the tone of the song. 

Extreme Close ups
I will use extreme close up shots of the abstract red lips which will be lip singing the rapping part of the song. I decided to use this because it would allow me to use different themes within my music video, as well as making this scene/the lyrics more effective. 

Eye-level Angle 
I plan to use this angle when filming my main protagonist at one point. I plan to do this because I believe it will give the audience an opportunity to be on the same level as my main protagonist, being able to understand her emotions and what she is going through because it is as if they are 'on the same level as her'.

High Angle
I plan to use a high angle shot when the main protagonist lies on her bed crying in her friend's arms. I will use this shot because it will show her emotion and the theme of friendship as her friend is there for her during such a tough time. The use of the high angle shot also shows her vulnerability (being above her) and shows her as a defenseless young woman.  

Long Shots
I will use a long-shot when my main protagonist is leaving the house/walking out the door. A long-shot shows the whole of a person's body as well as the background/surroundings. I have chosen to use this shot because it expresses the length of her having to go to leave, as well as showing her leaving her house making the audience think "is she going for good?", "is she coming back" and "where is she going?" This shot will end my music video with a slight cliff hanger as I want the audience of my video to be left wondering and thinking. I will also use a long shot towards the beginning when my main protagonist is lip singing on the bed. I wish to use this shot to show her body language and posture as she moves around on the bed showing her feelings and sexuality. The shot will also reveal some of her surroundings, letting the audience know a bit more about her by revealing her home. Another long shot I plan on using is when the two characters are arguing. Here, I will start off from a long angle and using zoom, show a close up of the closed door. I have chosen to use this shot because it will make the audience wonder what is happening on the other side of the door and what may happen next. This shot will build up anxiousness, anxiety and a sense of tension as the door is closed and the audience is unable to see the characters. This is then followed by the female character leaving the building. I have used long shots for these scenes because it will build up tension and curiosity for the viewers of my video. 

I will use panning to show my main protagonist throughout the video;; from head to toe. I will use this camera movement to explore her emotions through her body language and posture and to express her sexuality as well as her body movements.

Zoom Lenses
This shot allows me to change the magnification of an image. The camera is still, meaning I will be able to get a close up shot whilst still being distant from the subject. I will use this type of camera movement when the female character is leaving the house. I have chosen to use this camera movement because it can change the position of the audience of the video as well as slowly zooming without having to move the camera which saves me time and trouble. For this angle I will have to use a tripod to ensure my filming is steady and to ensure the scene is effective and professional. This type of angle is positioned as though the camera is a human (on eye level) observing a scene. I will use this shot at one point when the main protagonist is lip singing, and I have chosen this angle because it will give the viewers of the video to be as if they are on the same level, and I plan for my main protagonist to show a lot of emotion, strength as if she is seriously feeling pain and the audience will be able to see and feel this.

Main Protagonist Analysis


She is an eighteen year old female who will be acting as a young woman aged approximately 20 years old. In the music video she acts as an attractive, popular, friendly and caring young woman who is vulnerable because of her unfaithful boyfriend. She will be expressing her vulnerability throughout the music video as she sings to the camera telling her story, as well as showing her emotions and feelings (in her facial expressions and body posture). I also aim to show her strength and determination by ending the video with a cliff hanger where the audience do not know what has happened - spilt wine, knife etc, as well as her leaving the house which seems is for good. She said she believes she would be able to take on the role of my main protagonist because she can relate and empathise with the character, she also expressed that she found the song and its lyrics moving and deep, as well as my ideas for the music video. 
I chose 
Chyrell to be my main protagonist because as we are close friends I know she is very reliable and would be available to film whenever I needed her.


My storyboard is diagram based with a small analysis of what will happen during each shot. I used pictures to explore the positions I want my characters to be in when shooting.
Above is a picture of me producing my storyboard during a meeting.

Below is my story board. I used images of how I want my main protagonist to be positioned, as well as describing what will be happening throughout the music video. I also used arrows to show the order in which what action/scene will take place.

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Final Synopsis

Monica;; 'So Gone'

In my music video I will start with a female character's face being shown, here she will show a lot of emotion, showing her sadness and loneliness. The video will then go on to show the same female character rolling around on the bed, lip singing whilst still showing her emotions. Then the video will show clips of a male standing in the background whilst she sings to the camera. I chose to make this performative because I thought if it was done well, it could be really effective, and shows her everyday life but secret feeling/emotions. After this, it will go to the female character singing with a black background - here I will use the studio adding a black backdrop where she will be lip singing. I will then go on to a clip of a phone ringing with a female's name showing and an image of her face looking shocked. After this I have chosen to show a bottle of wine/wine glass and then going back to her lying on the bed singing to the camera every now and then; I have chosen to do this because this is going to be the main part of the video where the audience are able to empathise  with her. When it comes to the rapping part of the video, I will use an abstract effect where I will have lips lip singing some of the lyrics, however the camera will go to two characters (a male and female) seeing the main character's boyfriend with another woman. These two characters are then seen calling/on the phone to the main female character whose response shows her shocked and angry, she is then seen crying in her friend's arms. Shouting is heard in the background whilst the camera slowly zooms into a closed door. As the song ends and goes back to the female character singing on the bed, images of spilt wine is seen on the floor, a knife, broken glass and the video closes with her walking out the front door with her coat over her shoulder. 

A Costume & Props List

  • Bottle of wine & glass.
  • Male shirt with red lipstick mark.
  • Phone ringing with female name showing.


  • Dresses (black/pink etc) - WORN BY MAIN PROTAGONIST.
  • High heels
  • Fur Coat