Tuesday 13 December 2011

Main Protagonist Analysis


She is an eighteen year old female who will be acting as a young woman aged approximately 20 years old. In the music video she acts as an attractive, popular, friendly and caring young woman who is vulnerable because of her unfaithful boyfriend. She will be expressing her vulnerability throughout the music video as she sings to the camera telling her story, as well as showing her emotions and feelings (in her facial expressions and body posture). I also aim to show her strength and determination by ending the video with a cliff hanger where the audience do not know what has happened - spilt wine, knife etc, as well as her leaving the house which seems is for good. She said she believes she would be able to take on the role of my main protagonist because she can relate and empathise with the character, she also expressed that she found the song and its lyrics moving and deep, as well as my ideas for the music video. 
I chose 
Chyrell to be my main protagonist because as we are close friends I know she is very reliable and would be available to film whenever I needed her.

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