Tuesday 6 December 2011

Final Synopsis

Monica;; 'So Gone'

In my music video I will start with a female character's face being shown, here she will show a lot of emotion, showing her sadness and loneliness. The video will then go on to show the same female character rolling around on the bed, lip singing whilst still showing her emotions. Then the video will show clips of a male standing in the background whilst she sings to the camera. I chose to make this performative because I thought if it was done well, it could be really effective, and shows her everyday life but secret feeling/emotions. After this, it will go to the female character singing with a black background - here I will use the studio adding a black backdrop where she will be lip singing. I will then go on to a clip of a phone ringing with a female's name showing and an image of her face looking shocked. After this I have chosen to show a bottle of wine/wine glass and then going back to her lying on the bed singing to the camera every now and then; I have chosen to do this because this is going to be the main part of the video where the audience are able to empathise  with her. When it comes to the rapping part of the video, I will use an abstract effect where I will have lips lip singing some of the lyrics, however the camera will go to two characters (a male and female) seeing the main character's boyfriend with another woman. These two characters are then seen calling/on the phone to the main female character whose response shows her shocked and angry, she is then seen crying in her friend's arms. Shouting is heard in the background whilst the camera slowly zooms into a closed door. As the song ends and goes back to the female character singing on the bed, images of spilt wine is seen on the floor, a knife, broken glass and the video closes with her walking out the front door with her coat over her shoulder. 

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